Thursday, June 30, 2011

More TED

I went back and spent some more time viewing TED talks with the idea of streamlining my science lessons. My list is short and not anywhere near being finished but I thought I'd share.

One of the TED talks that my son enjoyed most is:

It could be because he, like many almost 7 year olds, loves dinosaurs. Maybe it’s because we have chickens. Who knows! At any rate, I was surprised by his attention span. I thought for sure he would lose interest but he did not. He was transfixed. Dinosaur chickens with teeth!

Among my son’s other interests are ALIENS! Boy or girl, aliens or Finding Nemo, students may find the alien ocean world discussed in to be very interesting. It is amazing to me that we know more about space than we do our own ocean. I had trouble with the audio on this talk and put up English subtitles. I love the reference of underwater fireworks.

Staying on the track of ocean, one can find many other cool ocean themed talks

And even though is a bit advanced for first grade, I personally enjoyed the idea of the sound of the universe on Janna Levin’s TED talk. It resonated with me. I can connect the Doppler Effect (expanding universe) semi trucks passing and blowing in to bottles filled with different amounts of water. Can we time travel through black holes? “Was our Big Bang the only Big Bang?” Yikes!

In closing, one of my classmates suggested Einstein the parrot as a good TED talk. I agree! Check it out even though I cannot seem to turn it in to a link. The parrot is amazing!


  1. Thank you so much for these links. I've been watching and searching TED as well and con not believe how greaqt it is. I like that you were looking for videos for younger kids, because I could use these with my students as well. The dinosaur to chickens is great. That is a huge part of my evolution unit and they actually go through an online tutorial teaching them about cladograms and eveloutionary relationships. At the end they have to answer the question "what does TRex taste like?" CHICKEN!! Here's the link to it:

  2. Sweet! Thank you, Mrs. Wilcox! I have found that dinosaurs are motivators. I can do dinosaur sticker behavior charts. Boys that do not like to read will spend hours reading a dinosaur book. Bored writers become interested if the writing prompt is dinosaurs etc. etc. I love the link to dinosaurs. I appreciate your sharing.
