Friday, June 24, 2011

I just became a fascinating teacher!

I just became a fascinating teacher!

Oh my goodness! Week two and this course just became worth my money even if I learn nothing else.

I have been looking at science video on the links we are to check out. SWEET! Last year I went on a dive trip to Turks and Caicos in the British West Indies. I took some really cool pictures and my 6 year old son has been enthralled with underwater life since that time. He happened to stumble in as I was viewing

He was entranced and settled in to finish my homework with me. He and I began to challenge each other to see if there was a scientific topic we COULDN’T find. It’s bed time for him now so we will have to finish our challenge at another time. I do know this: the critical competencies for first grade in my district are all available from what I have found today.

Totally awesome!


  1. TED Talks are the best. Sometimes I just random ones in my room during my conference period and students and teachers alike will come and get caught up in them. Some of the presentations are simply fascinating.

  2. That sounds fantastic! Please make sure you post some of your favorite videos on this blog!

  3. Try showing your son the TED video of "Einstein"- Einstein is a parrot- it is about 5 minutes and worth every minute. Buy the way Dana- we just moved to Helena from Colorado Springs- I believe I will be teaching a couple classes at St.Andrew in the fall.

  4. Cool Mary! Congratulations and welcome to Helena! I love it here and hope you come to love it too.
